Little jobs got done: the utility room was built, which provided a mini-kitchen so that the actual kitchen could be gutted and the downstairs loo was moved in order to accommodate this - accordingly, the upstairs facilities were working.

The oppressive ply wall came down and our living area moved south into the new extension. Larger, lighter and brighter: oh joy! This enabled the ceiling and walls in the original lounge area to be tampered with (pulling down the ceiling before it fell of its own volition, moving the doorway from the lounge into the kitchen, closing off the doorway from the kitchen to the hall).
The outside walls were rendered.
We "celebrated" 6 months on the job.
During March, the downstairs shower room/loo was tiled and fitted (except for the whb which was completed in April, more about that later) and the kitchen was plastered and prepared ready for the units and appliances.